Bunbrosna GAA notes 9th June 2019

Lady luck was not with us and it was not to be our day on Saturday when we succumbed to the home team in Killucan in the last game of the league. .Two early goals from the home side left us with an uphill struggle and we went in at the break trailing by twelve points.
Some good football and some excellent scoring saw us narrow the gap to three points in the second half .However time ran out on us and Killucan emerged victorious on the night.
Apologies to everybody regarding the time given for the match on last week’s notes.Hope that nobody missed out because of the error . Going forward all notification of timeor venue changes will be notified on the Club web page and on the Clubzap app.
Great turnout at practice Saturday evening despite the rain. Our senior team played well against an experienced Clonaslee Team and were unlucky with some catches. Practice next Saturday at 6 as usual. Next game is at home against Ballinagore at 1pm. Sunday next June 16th Thanks to our supporters who travelled to Clonaslee. Thanks also to Mullingar Credit Union for €200 as part of their social funds.
Community Games
A huge congratulations to all of our players who took part in Community Games Finals on Sunday. A special mention to the medal winners Matthew, Luke,Trian,Niamh and Gordon. Well done also to William and Zack who performed very well on the day.
Summer Camp
Registration is now open for our Summer Camp. Full details and registration forms are available on website or follow link on group WhatsApp . Early registration is advised as places are filling quickly. Pádraig Flynn and Conor Newman will gladly help with any questions you may have.