Bunbrosna GAA

Founded 1901

Co. Westmeath

Club notes

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Bunbrosna GAA notes December 1 st 2019

Scór na nÓg

Well done to all who represented Bun in the Scór na nÓg County final in the Downs this afternoon

The standard of competition was excellent, and our young competitors did their club, families and

mentors proud. We emerged with 2 County titles in:

1. Tráth na gCeist - the team was Aine Newman, Maeve Molloy, Sarah Cawley and Eoin Cawley.

They now progress to the Leinster final which will be held on January 12th 2020 in Drogheda.

2. Ceol Uirlise - the team was Brian McGowan, Coaimhín McGowan, Aine Newman, Maeve Molloy

and Róise McGowan. They now progress to the Leinster semi-final in Oldcastle at 2pm on Sunday

next December 8th.

Our team in Rince Foirne lost out to an experienced Downs team. The team members were: Holly

McCormack, Eva Cawley, Katie Tyrell, Molly-Mae Jessup, Hazel Loughrey, Sarah Cawley, Kate

Reynolds and Grace Bracken. This young team have a tremendous future together.

Get well wishes

Get well soon wishes to Kathleen Moran who has been ill in recent times .

Scór na nÓg

Well done to all who represented Bun in the Scór na nÓg County final in the Downs this afternoon

The standard of competition was excellent, and our young competitors did their club, families and

mentors proud. We emerged with 2 County titles in:

1. Tráth na gCeist - the team was Aine Newman, Maeve Molloy, Sarah Cawley and Eoin Cawley.

They now progress to the Leinster final which will be held on January 12th 2020 in Drogheda.

2. Ceol Uirlise - the team was Brian McGowan, Coaimhín McGowan, Aine Newman, Maeve Molloy

and Róise McGowan. They now progress to the Leinster semi-final in Oldcastle at 2pm on Sunday

next December 8th.

Our team in Rince Foirne lost out to an experienced Downs team. The team members were: Holly

McCormack, Eva Cawley, Katie Tyrell, Molly-Mae Jessup, Hazel Loughrey, Sarah Cawley, Kate

Reynolds and Grace Bracken. This young team has a tremendous future ahead.

Get well wishes

Get well soon wishes to Kathleen Moran who has been ill in recent times .

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