Bunbrosna GAA

Founded 1901

Co. Westmeath

Club notes May 3rd 2020

Want to manage your club's membership online this year? We've seen revenue increase by 30%.

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Bunbrosna GAA does it’s bit for Front Line Workers

At this unprecedented time of crisis and worry in not only our community but nationally and globally, when what we considered to be normal and everyday routine has become a distant memory , when all group sporting activities wereset aside,we at Bunbrosna GAA were anxious to do what ever we could to be of help to our local community whilst ensuring that we observed the restrictions which were put in place to defend against Covid 19. The club has been to the forefront in the local community with members making themselves available to assist the vulnerable and cocooned with shopping deliveries and other chores that need doing.

Seeing first hand the tremendous sacrifices which are being made daily by our front line workers in our hospitals and the selfless care with which they look after the patients in their care we decided that we would try to do something to make their lives just a little bit easier at this time. Many thanks to all who assisted, took part or donated to our recent fundraiser in support of the staff at Mullingar General Hospital. Pictured is a socially distant handover of a cheque for €1,775 which is being used to purchase re-usable PPE from local suppliers to assist in combating the Covid crisis. Special mention to Sinead Tormey whose tireless efforts enabled this project become the success that it was..

Pictured are

Katherine Kenny (Director of Nursing) receiving cheque from Aidan Finnan Bunbrosna G AA with (Left to right) Ms Sharon Gorman - Quality and Patient Safety Manager Ms. Teresa McLaughlin – Patient Flow and Bed Manager Ms. Kay Slevin- Operations and Clinical Services Manager

Des Cawley Bunbrosna GAA and Eoin Clarke Bunbrosna GAA

Underage activities

While everybody was really disappointed when we could not resume our Underage training, we are making the best of a bad situation by having online challenges posted on Facebook every week. Each week our players upload videos of their impressive skills and a winner is picked Congratulations to Kalem Mc Cormack and Casey Oprey who have been our winners so far. Many thanks to Conor and Ronan for their efforts in this regard.


Many congratulations to Kieran Yourell and Áine Boyhan who got engaged recently We wish the happy couple all the best for the future..


Over the summer we will be running a Nostalgia reeling in the years on our Facebook page with photos and articles from the clubs archive being featured on an ongoing basis Already this initiative is proving popular with many favourable comments being left each day. If you have a favourite Bun photo or other memorabilia that you would like featured please contact Joe or Mark and we will do our best to include it .

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