Bunbrosna GAA

Founded 1901

Co. Westmeath

Michael McCormack. R. I. P

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Bunbrosna GAA Notes   26th July  2020

Michael Mc Cormack   R.I.P

It is with a profound sense of sadness and loss that we have today learned of the passing of Michael Mc Cormack to his eternal reward. The words legend and hero are often used to describe a person’s contribution to sport and to us at Bunbrosna GAA  Mick was both a legend and a hero .His untiring ,selfless dedication to and work for the club and his concern for it's welfare and the welfare of it's players and supporters will forever be the bench mark to which the club will aspire .With Dolores at his side Mick watched as the club grew and developed to what it is today and this development was due in no small way to their  vision, determination and hard work.

Although living in Mullingar Mick was  a Balrath native whose commitment and loyalty to Bunbrosna GAA was unwavering and lifelong. He served as Club Chairman for over 30 years from the early 1970’s right up to the early years of the new millennium .In this period he spearheaded the development of the club grounds at the Castle field ,the provision of dressing rooms and enhanced facilities for players and supporters alike. Realising that funds for such ambitious projects would be hard raised, Mick and Dolores  led by example and canvassed support ,sold tickets and were heavily involved in the running of the Club Lotto.  

Bunbrosna football meant everything to Mick. It was a source of great joy for him to see Bunbrosna win a Junior title in 2001 and how proud he must have been to see both John and Damian play such vital parts in the clubs championship successes over the last two decades.  

Underage football was a priority for him and he left no stone unturned to ensure that youngsters in the area were afforded every opportunity and encouragement to excel at Gaelic Games . Stories have been coming through all day about the infamous white bus winding its way round the villages collecting players for both training and games. 1995 was a particularly proud year for him as he saw the Under 12 team win the first  County Underage title for the club

Scór was another facet of club activity which was dear to Michael’s heart and indeed he served as Chair of Bunbrosna Scór for a period of time. Our success at Scór is a direct result of the encouragement and hard work which Mick and Dolores put in over the years.

Speaking to me earlier today about Michael ,our Club Chairman Martin Tormey said “I am privileged to have known Mick practically all my life ,he brought me to and from school daily on his bus and in the evenings he would collect  us again to play football at all age groups He had a great passion for the Association and the development of games within our club ,both at Scór and at football level”Martin went on to say that “everything Mick did was totally focused on what was best for Bun GAA.  ,he chaired our club for over 30 years ,he raised funds for the club He attended county board meetings and he was in the dressing room in victory and defeat encouraging us on ,players always knew Mick had their back .He leaves behind a legacy of hard work service and influence on our club which will long be remembered in grateful appreciation , On behalf of the club can I express our heartfelt condolonces to his wife Dolores  his sons John and Damien daughters Geraldine and Thereseand to his grandchildren”  “He was the rock on which the club rested for many years. May he Rest in Peace “ Martin concluded.

Eoin Clarke was one of the many young players in whom  Mick fostered a love of sport and all things GAA. This is his tribute to Michael on behalf of this group

“ Mick had such a positive influence on my life and the lives of so many others over the years. He had such a passion and interest in the club and kept the show on the road for so many years, through good times and bad.

I was 8 or 9 years old when Mick started bringing us to training in his white minibus on a Saturday morning. Mick ensured that nobody would be left behind and whether you lived in Ballinafid, Ballinalack or Rathowen, space was found for you. It wasn't unusual for a full team to emerge from a 10 seater van. Those were great times and instilled a love for the club in another generation inspired by Mick's commitment and dedication to the cause. He was also instrumental in ensuring the Scor was kept alive and well in the area and numerous All Ireland medals have been gained through Scorin recent years as a result of his efforts in keeping things going over the years.

We have lost a true great, a gentleman and a wonderful role model. May he RIP. ”Eoin concluded

There is so much more we could write in tribute to Michaelbut suffice it to say that his contribution to our club will remain in the hearts and minds of Bunbrosna GAA members forever

Suaimhneas sioraí a Mhichíl  Ni bheidh do leitheid arís ann

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